Our office will assist you in obtaining a Business Manager Visa Application Procedures together with in establishing a company in Japan. The outline of the procedure for establishing a company in Japan is as follows:

Selection of Business Organization

There are three ways to start a business in Japan:

Japanese Subsidiary

A Japanese subsidiary is a corporation (Kabushiki Kaisha or Godo Kaisha) with its headquarters in Japan, conducting business as a Japanese company.

Japanese Branch

A Japanese branch is established when a foreign company sets up a base in Japan to carry out continuous business activities.

Representative Office

A representative office is established as a base for preparatory activities such as gathering information, advertising, procuring goods, and conducting market research in preparation for future business expansion in Japan. It cannot engage in business activities such as entering into contracts or making payments within Japan.

Note: When establishing a foreign company in Japan, Kabushiki Kaisha (KK) and Godo Kaisha (GK) are the common choices.

Differences Between Kabushiki Kaisha and Godo Kaisha

Common Features

Both can be established with a capital of just 1 yen, and a single director is sufficient. The liability of the investors is limited to the amount of their contribution.


Kabushiki Kaisha (KK)

A KK raises capital by issuing shares, and any third party can become a shareholder and obtain voting rights by acquiring shares. Important management decisions require the consent of a certain number of shareholders, usually obtained through a shareholders’ meeting.

Godo Kaisha (GK)

A GK is managed based on the articles of incorporation created with the agreement of the investors, and only the investors hold voting rights.

Advantages of a Godo Kaisha (GK)
  • Investors only bear limited liability.
  • Establishment costs are lower compared to a KK (as there is no need for notary certification of the articles of incorporation).
  • Management flexibility is higher. Since there are no external shareholders, there are fewer restrictions on management decisions. The articles of incorporation can be freely designed, allowing for variations in voting rights and profit distribution based on the investment ratio.

Office Property Contract

We collaborate with partner real estate companies to assist you in finding the most suitable property.

Company Establishment (For Kabushiki Kaisha)

  1. Creation of the company seal
  2. Drafting and notarization of the articles of incorporation
  3. Payment of capital
  4. Preparation and acquisition of other necessary documents
  5. Preparation and signing of the director’s consent to assume office
  6. Obtaining the certificate of capital payment
  7. Drafting the founder’s resolution on the establishment
  8. Application for registration of incorporation

Various Notifications

Our partner tax accountants will prepare and submit the necessary documents to the tax office and other relevant authorities.

Obtaining Business Licenses

Our office will act on your behalf to obtain the necessary business licenses required for your operations.


We support for establishing a company in Japan.

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