Our firm has strength with high professionals and wide range response ability.

Our firm meets need all foreign nationals and the company which employed foreign nationals by providing the ONE-STOP SERVICE with experienced immigration lawyers. (Gyouseisyoshi-lawyers)

The percentage of qualified staff who secure high specific.

Our firm has many experienced qualified staff.

Other firm has just one or two qualified staff, in general other staffs are part-time staff or office clerk that means extremely low percentage of qualified staff.   

In order to secure by keeping number of qualified staff, our firm is able to provide the best service to the clients based on high skill and experience about the immigration services.

Meets need for all kind of type of Japan VISA (ex. Working visa, spouse visa, permanent visa, e.t.c.)

Our firm meets need not only specified skilled worker visa, all kind of type of Japan visa

could be possible. 

Many firms which appeal strength to the specified skilled worker are specialized only for the specified skilled worker visa. These firms which handle to other type of Japan visa have normally less experienced and low skilled.

Our firm support to obtain the working visa, suppose visa and permanent visa, meets need detailed demand from the clients and provide ONE-STOP SERVICE.

Advice to foreign companies which actively hiring foreign nationals. 

Our firm has one of the strengths to support the company which actively hiring foreign nationals.

The companies hiring foreign nationals have some questions arise about the visa every day.

Our firm provides you suitable advice with professional point of view, not just procedures advice for hiring foreign nationals, but we do provide practical advice based on the company’s situations.

On going advices: career consulting for the individuals aiming for Naturalization, Permanent residence

Our office is doing career consulting for the individuals who aim for naturalization, and permanent residence.

Support to the clients for working and living safe in Japan by providing on going advice based on the long-term career development.